Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

One of my first bosses told me a little story that I'd like to share.  He said "Mike, if everyone put their troubles on a big shelf, and they took time to look at other peoples problems, they would probably go and take back their own troubles."  That boss was a very wise man. 

Sometime when I am a little low and feeling sorry for myself, I reflect on those people suffering in hospitals, or being shot at in a foreign country, or just don't know how to feed their family tonight -- suddenly I realize how good I have it and would gladly take my troubles back.

I've lived a wonderful life.  I have a loving wife, three super kids, two fantastic grandchildren and a lot of dear friends.  Thanksgiving is truly a time to reflect on your blessings.  On this great day, have some turkey, watch some football, but best of all take time out to enjoy those you love.  If you can't be with them, give them a hug anyway, they'll know.  The King wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

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